Published 01/29/25
Modern slavery is a heinous crime and tackling it is a top priority for C&R Software.
Businesses have a vital role to play. Modern slavery is a brutal way of maximizing profits, by producing goods and services at ever lower costs with scant regard for the terrible impact this has on individuals. This message is clear: businesses must not be knowingly or unknowingly complicit in this horrendous and sickening crime.
This updated guidance, which explains how businesses should comply with the Modern Slavery Act, builds on our experience since the landmark Act was introduced in 2015. The Act requires all large businesses to produce an annual statement setting out the steps they have taken to prevent modern slavery in their business and supply chains. This refreshed guidance lays out our expectations for these statements, including more explanation of what best practice looks like.
Of course, these transparency statements on their own are not enough. The challenge for businesses is to take serious and effective steps to identify and root out contemporary slavery which can exist in any supply chain, in any industry. All businesses must be vigilant and aim to continuously improve.
C&R Software has agreed to adopt the following ethos:
Organizations which do not meet the requirements in the Act, for example by having a low enough turnover, can still choose to voluntarily produce a ‘slavery and human trafficking statement’. Smaller organizations may be asked by those they are supplying goods or services to if they have a statement or policy setting out their approach to tackling modern slavery, especially if they are bidding for contracts with larger businesses above the threshold.
Therefore, smaller organizations may find it helpful to voluntarily produce a statement as a means of managing these requests and providing a level of assurance to their customers. Even if the legislation does not apply, we would encourage all businesses to be open and transparent about their recruitment practices, policies, and procedures in relation to modern slavery and to take steps that are consistent and proportionate with their sector, size, and operational reach.
This document contains a step by step look at anti-slavery and how C&R Software manages policy to uphold and comply with the anti-slavery act of 2015.
Furthermore, there is the need to take and pass an exam to demonstrate to the company they have a good understanding on what knowledge they have gained and retained to be able to gain their certificate.
Policy Statement
Slavery is illegal and a violation of human rights. There are many forms of Modern Slavery including:
- Forced labor
- Child labor
- Exploitation
- Being controlled by an employer
- Debt bondage
- Being physically constrained
- Being sold or treated as a commodity and having restrictions on freedom of movement.
These acts involve a person losing their freedom by being exploited by another for personal or commercial gain.
C&R Software has a zero-tolerance approach to Modern Slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We will implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure Modern Slavery is not taking place in our own business and supply chains.
We are committed to ensuring our business is transparent, as such we will comply with the disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
C&R Software expects our contractors, suppliers, and other business partners to uphold high standards in all business practices; as part of the contracting processes, we include prohibitions against the use of staff sourced from forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, anyone held in slavery or servitude. C&R Software expects their suppliers to hold these high standards.
C&R Software will be in contact with relevant suppliers to ensure they comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. In addition to this, to check compliance, we will be auditing our higher risk suppliers, as determined by our predetermined criteria.
This policy applies to all persons working for, or on behalf of C&R Software in any capacity. This includes but does not limit the policy applicability to employees, agency workers, temporary staff, agents, contractors, external consultants, third-party representatives, and business partners.
This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment, and we reserve the right to amend it at any time.
Responsibility for the Policy
C&R Software Executive Board has overall responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with C&R Software legal and ethical obligations, and that all those under our control comply with it.
C&R Software executive board has primary responsibility for implementing this policy. This includes responsibility for the monitoring of its use and effectiveness, auditing of internal control systems and procedures. They are also responsible for updating the policy to reflect any changes in legislation. Management at all levels of C&R Software are responsible for ensuring those reporting to them understand and comply with this policy. C&R Software employees are invited to comment on this policy and suggest ways in which it might be improved.
Compliance with the Policy
You must ensure that you read, understand, and comply with this policy. All C&R Software employees are responsible for the prevention, detection, and reporting of Modern Slavery in any part of our business or supply chains. Employees are required to avoid any activity that might lead to a breach of this policy, and the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Employees must notify their manager as soon as possible if they believe or suspect that, a conflict with, or breach of, this policy has occurred, or may occur, in the future. Employees are encouraged to raise concerns about suspicions of Modern Slavery in any parts of our business or supply chains at the earliest possible stage.
Communication and Awareness of this Policy
This policy is available on the C&R Software website.
Modern Slavery training, which includes identifying signs of Modern Slavery and reporting suspicions of Modern Slavery with C&R Software supply chains, forms part of the induction process for employees. Refresher training will also be provided, as necessary.
Our zero-tolerance approach to Modern Slavery is communicated to all suppliers, contractors, and business partners at the outset of our business relationship with them. Suppliers are asked to comply with our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy from the onset of the relationship. Suppliers who are unwilling to comply will not be on boarded.
Breaches of this Policy
Any employee who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action. This could result in action up to dismissal in accordance with the C&R Software conduct policy. We may terminate our relationship with other employees, suppliers and any other associates working with C&R Software if they breach this policy.